Meyers Glaros
Contribution: Art Direction & Design

The Ask
Meyers Glaros is an insurance brokerage located in Indiana. Originally functioning as two separate businesses, the original owners came together to form one full-service agency. With the original founders stepping back to let their sons run the company, we were asked to create a brand that was representative of the future goals, values, and technological advances of the company. The Meyers Glaros approach is highly customized and hands-on. We were ultimately asked to develop a look that felt both premium and approachable in a way that felt welcoming to both existing and new clients.

When developing a look and feel for the brand, I wanted to leverage the style of the logo and create custom illustrations that felt like they were created using the same brush/pen. The team’s hands-on approach was the inspiration for this look that conveys a feeling of a personal touch.

To further build on the brand and create equity in the look and feel, I developed a set of icons that represent culture along with their three coverage offerings, to be used in any marketing effort, print or digital.